Thursday, June 28, 2007

Day 27 & Day 28

Day 27:

(6/27/2007)I am the only person who could look at a bunch of toilet paper and think Hey! That looks like the Leaning Tower of Pisa! Only it's toilet paper, so really, it's the leaning tower of TP. Cooooool Yeah, I'm a freak. Of course anyone who's known me for longer than a month, knows that I'm pretty much obsessed with all things Italian, so it's not as surprising as one might initially think. If I were a famous artist, I'd defiantely call this "Puddy and the Leaning Tower of TP". Alas, I am not famous. Nor am I an artist. I'm still calling it that though. YOU CAN'T STOP ME!!!

Okay, I think that was sufficiently frightening...I also took another pic of my scarf (what? Can there really ever be too many knitting pictures? I mean seriously...) The new pic shows the colors a little better. It kind of comes off looking like a McDonald's scarf , but I assure you it is intended to be a Gryffindor scarf! You might recognize the book from and old BSKG/Fiborg blog I posted. It's In the Wake of the Night by Joseph McGee. It's pretty good as far as predictable horror novels go although the editing is non-existant. There are more typos and incorrect spelling/grammar in this book than there are typos in my messages! I know that sounds harsh but I swear to you, it's the truth! Oh, and for those of you who don't know what the Hell BSKG/Fiborg is, it's my knitting blog (the Big, Sexy Knitter's Guild/Fiborg).

Day 29:

(6/29/2007)LOOK! DUCKIES!!! For some deranged reason, I thought it'd be nifty to take a picture of my shower curtain. Then I thought it'd be even niftier to take a pic of me hiding behind my shower curtain - after having showered - with REALLY bad lighting! OMG NIFTY!!! Cause you know, me taking a shower is a really special event or something. Anywho, this is as close to a naked picture of me as anyone's ever going to get, so I figured What the Hell...I might as well post it online! That's what you're SUPPOSED to do with nakey pics right?

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Day 18 through Day 26

Day 18:

(6/18/2007) Wow, I've been slacking off for over a week?! Crazy...In case it wasn't obvious, I watched the season premier of The Closer on TNT. There was quite a lot of hype about it on TNT and it's sister station USA about how SHOCKING the premier would be. It was, in fact pretty surprising, but I wasn't shocked beyond all belief...I guess that's what 24 years of watching too much T.V. will get you. All in all it was a really good show though. I heart Sergeant Gabriel. If you missed it, you can still watch it online here! Hooray for TV online!!!

Day 19:

(6/19/2007)Grizzly Adams? No, it's Stellan SkarsgÄrd as Cerdic, silly! I watched King Arthur today & naturally I loved it! I could've sworn I hadn't seen it, but I remembered most of the scenes in the movie. I think I must have just watched it when I was very tired or something...who knows? Anyway, being the dweebazoid that I am, I sat and took pictures of my own television screen until my digital camera ran out of battery power. Taking pictures of my parents' T.V. is NOT dweeby. I guess since it's a big screen(?) I'm not really sure Sad, but true....I took some pics of Clive Owen, Ray Stevenson and Ioan Gruffudd, but thought this one warranted placement in my POD. Unfortunately, my camera ran out of juice before I got any good pics of Kiera - in any case, here are some of the other pics I took:

Day 20:

6/20/2007)I just had to take a picture of's over on Hickory Rd. I saw it as I was driving home from my parents' house and thought "Hmm, that really gives new meaning to the term 'flower bed'!" I have to admit though, that I'm happy beyond reasoning that there are no gnomes at the foot of MY bed...those fuckers just creep me out. I once saw this movie in which an evil troll/gnome thing climbed up into the beds of sleeping children and sucked the breath/life out of them. I think it was something by Stephen King. All I know for sure is that it was a collection of scary stories and for some reason, that's the one I remember...

Day 21:

(6/21/2007) As you most likely already know, my home has been invaded by gnats. Those little pains in the ass that just sit around all day, eating my chocolate and laying eggs so that more of the little bastards can ruin my life. I might be exaggerating just a little, (I don't actually HAVE any chocolate *cry*) but they're still annoying as Hell damnit! So, like any normal human (a.k.a. insect murderer) I went to WalGreen's and got a big ol' can of Raid Ant and Roach Killer. It seems to be pretty effective. My only complaint is that it makes me feel lousy in addition to killing only some of the gnats. They'll die of boredom soon though - I feel certain!

Day 22:
(6/22/2007) This is a picture that I drew a few years ago (maybe 3?) It's my rendering of an old photo of my mom and me. I always loved the photo because you could see how happy we both were. My drawing skills are barely even passable, but my mom seemed to really like the picture. I matted it, framed it and gave it to her for mother's day that year. The main thing I remember about drawing this is that every time my teacher came by to offer a "helpful critique" he referred to the baby (ME!) with male pronouns. It drove me completely insane...'splains a lot, doesn't it? LOL Anyway, I was over at my parents' house today (since the Raid fumes were making me feel really sick) and decided this was as good a thing to take a picture of as any.

Day 23:
(6/23/2007) I stayed at mom & dad's house for the weekend to give the Raid some time to wear off. We watched Music & Lyrics, which was cute. Apparently Hugh Grant and Drew Barrymore did all their own singing in that movie. Or at least Hugh Grant did. The surprising thing is that they're not at all bad! LOL Anyway, obviously being at my parents' house makes it necessary to take pictures of Callie! Duh! It took me 30 minutes to tell my mom how to use my camera since it's really complicated and works just like a regular camera. I had just put on some lipgloss that Callie was very interested in, as you can see. hehehe..I love my doggie!!!

Day 24:

(6/24/2007) Yes, this is a real picture, taken from the driveway at my parents' house. I had to go into PhotoShop and lighten it up some because I wanted the leaves on the tree that was above me to be visible, even if they are an unbelievable neon green! It was 2 days past the half moon. It looks a lot closer to full than it actually was, but what do you really expect from a $120 digital camera? I need to go back out on the 30th and get one of the REAL full moon...assuming there aren't clouds blocking my view Saturday night!

Day 25:

(6/25/2007) I was supposed to have an appointment with my Opthamologist today, but had to call and reschedule because I was feeling so badly. I ended up spending most of the day asleep. Stupid Raid! On the plus side, I'm seeing fewer and fewer gnats around here! As for the pic, I just happened to have an extra lying around (in my hard drive) that I took on June 3rd. Don't ask me why I remember the date, I just do. Ain't the bluebonnets (which look purple) pretty?

Day 26:

(6/26/2007)Just for you, Cassi! I know, I know...It's about time, right? As you can see I haven't gotten very much further than I was the last time I posted a pic of my scarf...only about 52 more rows, but IS longer! In addition to a whole mess of knitting, (yes - 52 rows is "a whole mess" to me) I also watched The Ringer - which turned out to be significantly better than I expected. Which is convenient since I bought it without having seen it. Yeah, I'm an idiot. I don't even particularly like Johnny Knoxville...oh, well. Despite my immense stupidity, it still ended up being a pretty decent movie imho. Yay! Also, I'm feeling quite a bit better today. Although there seems to have been a new insurgence of gnats - GAH! For some reason they keep flying at my face. Brian mentioned that they must know that it's safer there since I don't really want to spray my own face with Raid, or even smack it for that matter. I refuse to believe that gnats figured that out. Primarily because that would make the gnats more intelligent than the people ruling our country and that's just plain ol' scary. Then again, I wouldn't dispute a gnat prossibly* having a higher IQ than Dubya...
(*Prossibly - adv. Of uncertain, but probable liklihood)

Monday, June 18, 2007


Day 17:


Hi everyone (all 3 of you LOL) and Happy Father's Day!!! Naturally, in honor of Father's Day, I took a picture of my Daddy! I went out with dad for lunch today at Casa Ole (where else?) and gave him his card, which he couldn't read because he forgot to bring his glasses. hehehe Silly daddy! I would've taken a picture of the card, but I didn't think to until after I gave it to him. Seemed like a stupid idea to ask for it back...After lunch, we went back to my parent's house and watched Deja Vu and Stranger Than Fiction; both of which were good. The later was definately not a typical Will Ferrell movie, but I still liked it (possibly because I have and unhealthy obsession with the man) You might like it, Andrea. It has Maggie Gyllenhall in it - YAY SECRETARY!!! Of course, my favorite is sitll Anchorman. Turns out that dad doesn't like Steve Carell though. How weird is THAT?! Oh well, I still love you daddy!!!

^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^My favorite picture of Dad^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

Day 14, Day 15 & Day 16

Day 14:
(6/14/2007) Well, I've put off doing my POD for long enough, I think. I felt a lot better on Thursday and decided that I would avoid overdoing it (haha) and just take it easy. After lounging like the bum I am all morning, I took a shower and met my dad for lunch at Casa Ole. I didn't really know what to take a picture of, until I saw the little dude that watches over the cash register. I'm not sure how effective he is at disuading robbers or whatever since he's about 5 inches tall, but he's there damnit! And that's really what matters, isn't it?

Day 15:

(6/15/2007)Friday, I chose to stay home and chill so I would *hopefully* be able to go out sometime this weekend (unfortunately I didn't have much luck) My dad called and asked if I wanted him to stop by and bring me some lunch. Of course, since I'm a lazy ass and this would help me avoid preparing something, I said SURE! When he arrived the first thing he said to me was "Your knocker's bigger than hers!!" At first I was like WTH and thought my neighbor (who's a good 20 years older than me) was standing outside and dad was comparing our boobs. (creepy much?!) Then when I looked confused he said "Don't you remember Young Frankenstein?" I laughed and said "No, I haven't ever seen it!" so he explained to me about how some guy told a girl she had big knockers referring to the door knockers at her home. Anyway, later that day I was curious, having thought that all the apartments had the same door knockers. Obviously I was incorrect and INDEED - my knocker IS bigger than hers! I wonder if there's such a thing as door knocker envy...

Day 16:

(6/16/2007)I believe it was on Friday that Cassi asked me to take new pix of my HP scarf. Unfortunately, it's not much further along than it was in the last pictures. I think I only did one or MAYBE 2 more sets of stripes (I'm working on another set now. On the plus side, I'm now more than halfway done. Yeah, I knit slowly. I guess you could call it retarded knitting. Hahaha Anyway, since I'm not ready to photograph it at this time, I thought I'd post a different photo of yarny goodness...MY YARN STASH!!! I know it's small, but hey, I could BARELY get all that alpaca, wool and cotton stuffed into my box! I think it's a really appropriate box for the storage of yarn, don't you? As you can see, I have some needles shoved in there as well, and I propped up my No Sheep For You book just for you, Cassi! I promise, I'll post those scarf pics soon!!!

Thursday, June 14, 2007

Day 13

Day 13:
Speaking of Sunrises...
Today I woke up feeling much better! So, I decided that I'd get some laundry together, gather up my trash and do some dishes. I did all of the above but right as I was finishing washing the dishes I started to feel really, really tired/sick. So, my big plans (going to my parent's house to do laundry and hopefully grocery shopping) were put on hold. On the plus side that gave me more time to talk to Brian, who had some really good alternative Lupus treatment info. After talking to him, I spent pretty much all day chatting with Andrea, catching up on blogs on MySpace and shirking my picture taking duties. hehehe
Oh, today was my friend Jorge's birthday (he and his sister Pam share the same birthday, several years apart) so, I wished him a happy birthday and left an old picture to embarass him/make him laugh. LOL I'm such a dork. I thought about using that picture as my POD, but it wasn't actually taken by me, so I decided against it and am using this old pic I took in 2002 at Cedar Point instead. It's of sunrise...or maybe sunset - I can't remember...on the shore of Lake Erie. The original has more beautiful colors, but since the pic was so old, I printed it out, decorated it and took a picture of what basically ends up being a scrapbook page. (Andrea gave me the idea cause she's smart like that...I think she may have created a monster with the whole taking-pictures-of-pictures thing though so watch out!) Oh, the labels didn't photograph so well, just FYI they read "Wish I was There!"

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Day 10, Day 11 & Day 12

Day 10:


Didn't do much today except watch Hannibal Rising with my parents. I forgot to take my camera so I'm using this pic I found online. It's funny that in this pic he has brown eyes, since the kid in the movie has beautiful blue eyes. Maybe it's supposed to signify blood, of which there is a lot in this movie. It definately helps you understand why Hannibal is the way he is. I personally have never disliked Hannibal, which I know is weird, but there you have it

Day 11:

(6/11/2007) I didn't go out at all today since I wasn't feeling well. I actually spent the majority of the day asleep. My dad dropped by to bring me something to eat in the late afternoon and told me that he learned his job was being cut as of October. He wasn't too happy about that. Anyway, the reason there's a big picture of a notebook that reads "Friends" for today is I spent my only productive time today putting photos into the pages of that notebook. Yes, it's actually a photo album. hehehe

Day 12:

(6/12/2007) I've been suffering from allergy-related sinus issues and therefore feeling like crap all week.
Today, I spent the day in bed again until about 3. That was when my mom got me out of the bed/apartment by tempting me with Blood Diamond. It was a disturbingly enlightening movie. I seriously doubt I'll ever buy a diamond. I would say "again" but seeing as how I've never purchased one in the past that would just be dumb. I can definately see what you were talking about, Andrea, when you said diamonds have bad juju. In any case, I can't say it was one of my favorite movies, but I'm glad I watched it.

Sunday, June 10, 2007

Day 9

Day 9:

Drink up, me hearties, yo ho! Yep, I finally saw Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End last night. I LOVED it! Even if it was excessively long...really the only parts they would've lost were funny ones and it wouldn't have been 'right' without them. Naturally and as always, I went with mom and dad since they're the only people in Temple who will deign to A. be seen in public with me and B. actually pay to do so (they bought my ticket) LOL It was nice to see my mom get out of the house too. I have lots to discuss, but I don't want to ruin anything for those who haven't yet seen the movie, so I'll keep quiet.

Saturday, June 9, 2007

Day 8

Day 8:
WooHoo! It's a balloon butterfly! Just what every girl needs, don't you agree? I
got this little guy at lunch today. I had a pretty darn great day too! I slept until about 1 o'clock and then got up and made plans to go out for lunch with my dad. We went to Casa Ole and talked (mostly he talked cause he can't hear when I'm talking and interrupts/talks over me so I tend to just let him have the floor) It was a nice lunch though. We didn't discuss immigration, politics or childbirth so it was kind of refreshing. LOL We did discuss some boring shit, but at least it's recycling now. I was getting really tired of hearing about how horrifying my birth was and all about how sure dad is that "the doctor tore (my) right corotid artery when he pulled (my) head off". The first time my dad said this, I replied that he certainly did a good job of reattaching it, but my dad didn't get the joke and just thought I was stupid so he launched into a rant about my occluded artery since I had obviously forgotten all about it. Sometimes, talking to him is maddening...actually it's maddening MOST of the time, but it's not his fault he can't hear me. I know he's very self conscious about it, so I try not to say anything. Wow, I just went WAY off topic there! Anyway, back to the story of my POD...
So, we were finishing up our meals when I noticed this clown making balloon animals for virtually everyone in the restaraunt. I initially thought it was funny that a clown was there and that it probably looked like I was with him - what with the bright red hair and all...when he got around to our table, he explained that he was part of a group who raised money for children in Mexico and asked if we'd like some balloon animals. Oh, and they were accepting donations, by the way. *SMILE* Dad, of course couldn't hear him too well and made a couple of jokes. It kind of came across as though dad was flirting with the clown - who had flowers painted on one cheek and a strawberrry on his nose. He was really gussied up, let me tell ya'. Anyway, so the balloon dude offered to make me something and I requested a butterfly. He asked if I wanted a red one to go with my hair, but I told him that my favorite color was actually pink. He seemed mildly perplexed, but made me a cute pink butterfly. YAY! I mentioned that it was cute and the clown said "Well, you know, cute clowns make the cutest butterflies!" I just smiled real pretty-like at him and went back to admiring my butterfly, who was now guarding my take home box.
*insert slightly awkward silence here*
Then he offered to make dad a sword - to defend himself. Isn't make-believe fun? Hahaha So, dad got a sword and I got a butterfly and everyone was happy. Oh and the clown got a $5 "donation". He also gave us a card for his group/circus troup/whatever. Apparently they do parties including face painting and balloon animals for only $50 an hour. Such a deal!! *note the sarcasm* So, there's the story of my cute balloon butterfly made by the evidently cute clown. It's hard to tell for sure through all that face paint, so I guess I'll have to take his word for it.

Friday, June 8, 2007

Day 7

Day 7:
(6/7/2007)'s been a week already? Time flies when you're busy running around, having fun and taking pictures all day! Cool...Anyway, today's picture is of my hair! That was hard to figure out huh? I went over to Killeen today and Marilyn at Accomodating Cuts hooked me up with some BRIGHT ASS FIRE ENGINE RED highlights. I totally love them! Which is good since I spent 3 hours and $95 (including tip) on them. Also, they're 'permanent' so it's really convenient that I like them so much. Anywho, what do y'all think?

In other news, I did go and visit Bryn and Alan in the hospital again today. She got discharged pretty soon after I got there. I'm a good luck charm like that. hehehe I also followed them home because I'm a stalker and I wanted to take more pictures. (Yes, I did get a pic of his toes for you Andrea...they're so tiny and cuuuuuute!) and I got to hold him for about 30 minutes. Yay!!! He's just precious and if he starts fussing, just touching him helps settle him down. Talk about an easy-going baby! I just stroked his cheek or petted his little noggin and he went back into peaceful sleepy mode. And when Bryn and Shea unswaddled him to put him in his carseat, he didn't even cry! Back at their house, the animals (2 large dogs and 3 cats) were all very curious but behaved nicely around him. The only one that was a bit of an issue was Koku (their hyper-hyper doggie) who wanted to know what that little pink thing was. The cats were significantly more interested in the carseat than in Alan. hahaha They kept trying to climb inside of it while Brynna was feeding Alan and I had to get up and shoo them away. Crazy kitties! I can't wait to go see him again. Here's the pic with the baby toes for you, Andrea! Ain't they cuuuuuute?!

Thursday, June 7, 2007



Alrighty then...well, as you can see; today we have 2 pictures! Yes, little Alan entered the world today at 11:57 a.m. He is a very healthy little boy and has all his bits and pieces. Hooray! I'll undoubtedly blab more about him later, but for the time being, I'm tired beyond reasoning, so I'm going to go to bed. Hopefully everyone had as wonderful a day as I did, getting to meet this little bundle of joy! HAPPY BIRTHDAY, ALAN!!! and Welcome to the world! We're so glad you decided to join us...hehehehe

Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Day 5

Day 5:


Good evening boys and girls! Well, let me tell you, I had a hard time deciding what to photograph for today's POD!! MY first instinct was to take a picture of my Printer/Scanner/Copier/Fax since I spent the majority of my day scanning pictures, but then I decided that telling the story of the flip flops of doom would be slightly more interesting. Note that I only said it'd be SLIGHTLY more interesting. Don't expect wonders here, okay?

So, here's the story of the quacking flip flops of doom! Oh, I didn't mention quacking before? Well, now I have. Yes, they quack. They quack when I walk. I first discovered this when I went to Scott & White for lab work a couple of months ago. It was fairly early morning, and within the barren area that lies between the front doors and Desk 1D, my shoes quacked loudly, signaling my approach. The women who were at work (i.e. sitting at their desks eating, drinking and talking to one another) just stared at me as I approached. It really makes one feel very vulnerable, when walking through a virtually deserted waiting area, all eyes on you, knowing that with every step your foot will make a loud *QUACK*ing sound. Downright disconcerting, if you ask me. I'm amazed I didn't fall. I know, I know what you're thinking...What does a pair of quacking flip flops (of DOOM) have to do with TODAY, Katy? Well, I'm getting to that...see, what happened was I woke up this morning feeling very sleepy. Because, well, it was 7 a.m. isn't that reason enough?! So, I decided I ought to get up. I'm not really sure WHY but that's what I decided. I also recalled that I didn't have anything to drink in my apartment. Thank God for the vending machines outside near the pool area! So I put on my quacking flip flops of doom and walked outside. Right on schedule (after about 5 steps) they began quacking with each step I took. Naturally, because it was 7:30 in the morning and I didn't expect anyone would be out there, a man was sitting directly beside the machines. *JOY* As I came closer he commented that I "Sure couldn't sneak up on anyone." To which I, of course nervously replied "I KNOW! Everytime I wear these I think Good God, I sound like a duck!" (people make me nervous, okay?) Anyway, I got my drink, the guy stared at me and I ignored it, then he said "Oh! It worked!" to which I replied "Yeah. Well, have a good one." I'm pretty sure he said "You too", but it was hard to tell over the cacophany of quacking as I scurried away.

What a RIVETING story, huh? Anyway, why does my carpet look like Astro-Turf in that picture? Oh well, it goes better with the shoes than the actual crappy beige it really is! This camera rocks! It edits pictures all by itself!!! Now if only I can figure out how to get it to make me look 100 pounds lighter...

Monday, June 4, 2007

Day 4

Day 4


Well, I'm sure you can see that this is NOT a photo of Alan as I implied today's picture might be. As it turns out, Bryn's doctor decided that the induction of little Alan would have to wait until Wednesday morning (at 4 a.m.) So, hopefully I will have brand spankin' new baby photos for Wednesday. Since my plans to witness the birth of my best friend's new son were postponed for today, I decided to instead spend the day with my family. And since my human baby photo efforts were thwarted, I decided that a doggie baby would have to fill in! After all, she is MY baby...hehehe There was almost a problem since the contrast in this picture was originally almost non-existant, but thanks to PhotoShop, the day was saved and VOILA! A lovely photo of MY baby for today's POD! Ain't the digital life grand?

Sunday, June 3, 2007

Day 1, Day 2 and Day 3

Day 1:

Yes, it's an amatuer picture at best. But what did you expect, it's Only Day 1! hehehe I didn't do too much today so I just stopped outside my apartment complex where I noticed this flowering bush thing. I thought it was lovely and ought to be my first picture! Don't you agree?

Day 2:

This morning, Andrea and I went to the Zilker Park Botanical Gardens in Austin. I was really excited about the Butterfly Garden!!! Unfortunately, I didn't get any pictures of butterflies since they were too fast and very flighty (no pun intended). I did, however get pictures of lots of flowers and some nifty ones of Andrea and myself! In any case, I love how those little "chairs" are designed to make you look as if you are a butterfly yourself! I really like this picture except for the fact that the lighting is too bright and I am apparently the rare Cow Monarch. (i.e. I'm a fatass) Andrea's came out quite a bit better, but since this is my Photo-A-Day journal I figured I'd include mine as today's photo. To check out Andrea's "I'm a butterfly!" photo and all the others I took yesterday, click here!

Day 3:

Today, I mostly rested. After all the excitement with Andrea in Austin yesterday, I think I needed it! I have some big plans tomorrow too...Brynna's having a baby!!! So, I figured today was as good a day as I was going to get to sleep in 'til 1:30 pm and lounge all day after that! Around 4:30, I met Dad for what we referred to as "lunch" at McAlister's. I didn't feel like accosting him or anyone else with my digital camera and decided to take a scenic drive afterwards instead. So, as I was driving back behind the local Lion's Park I saw this sign(?) hanging in someone's front yard. I thought it was spiffy - and that is the story of how today's Picture of the Day (which I will furthermore refer to as the POD) came about! Ain't it neato? It says "OUTTA TOWN" in case you can't make it out...I'll see y'all next time! (and next time I'm bringing baby pictures!!!!!)