Wow, I've been slacking off for over a week?! Crazy...In case it wasn't obvious, I watched the season premier of The Closer on TNT. There was quite a lot of hype about it on TNT and it's sister station USA about how SHOCKING the premier would be. It was, in fact pretty surprising, but I wasn't shocked beyond all belief...I guess that's what 24 years of watching too much T.V. will get you. All in all it was a really good show though. I heart Sergeant Gabriel. If you missed it, you can still watch it online here! Hooray for TV online!!!

Day 19:
Grizzly Adams? No, it's Stellan SkarsgÄrd as Cerdic, silly! I watched King Arthur today & naturally I loved it! I could've sworn I hadn't seen it, but I remembered most of the scenes in the movie. I think I must have just watched it when I was very tired or something...who knows? Anyway, being the dweebazoid that I am, I sat and took pictures of my own television screen until my digital camera ran out of battery power. Taking pictures of my parents' T.V. is NOT dweeby. I guess since it's a big screen(?) I'm not really sure Sad, but true....I took some pics of Clive Owen, Ray Stevenson and Ioan Gruffudd, but thought this one warranted placement in my POD. Unfortunately, my camera ran out of juice before I got any good pics of Kiera - in any case, here are some of the other pics I took:

Day 20:
I just had to take a picture of this...it's over on Hickory Rd. I saw it as I was driving home from my parents' house and thought "Hmm, that really gives new meaning to the term 'flower bed'!" I have to admit though, that I'm happy beyond reasoning that there are no gnomes at the foot of MY bed...those fuckers just creep me out. I once saw this movie in which an evil troll/gnome thing climbed up into the beds of sleeping children and sucked the breath/life out of them. I think it was something by Stephen King. All I know for sure is that it was a collection of scary stories and for some reason, that's the one I remember...

Day 21:
As you most likely already know, my home has been invaded by gnats. Those little pains in the ass that just sit around all day, eating my chocolate and laying eggs so that more of the little bastards can ruin my life. I might be exaggerating just a little, (I don't actually HAVE any chocolate *cry*) but they're still annoying as Hell damnit! So, like any normal human (a.k.a. insect murderer) I went to WalGreen's and got a big ol' can of Raid Ant and Roach Killer. It seems to be pretty effective. My only complaint is that it makes me feel lousy in addition to killing only some of the gnats. They'll die of boredom soon though - I feel certain!

Day 22:
This is a picture that I drew a few years ago (maybe 3?) It's my rendering of an old photo of my mom and me. I always loved the photo because you could see how happy we both were. My drawing skills are barely even passable, but my mom seemed to really like the picture. I matted it, framed it and gave it to her for mother's day that year. The main thing I remember about drawing this is that every time my teacher came by to offer a "helpful critique" he referred to the baby (ME!) with male pronouns. It drove me completely insane...'splains a lot, doesn't it? LOL Anyway, I was over at my parents' house today (since the Raid fumes were making me feel really sick) and decided this was as good a thing to take a picture of as any.

Day 23:
I stayed at mom & dad's house for the weekend to give the Raid some time to wear off. We watched Music & Lyrics, which was cute. Apparently Hugh Grant and Drew Barrymore did all their own singing in that movie. Or at least Hugh Grant did. The surprising thing is that they're not at all bad! LOL Anyway, obviously being at my parents' house makes it necessary to take pictures of Callie! Duh! It took me 30 minutes to tell my mom how to use my camera since it's really complicated and works just like a regular camera. I had just put on some lipgloss that Callie was very interested in, as you can see. hehehe..I love my doggie!!!

Day 24:
Yes, this is a real picture, taken from the driveway at my parents' house. I had to go into PhotoShop and lighten it up some because I wanted the leaves on the tree that was above me to be visible, even if they are an unbelievable neon green! It was 2 days past the half moon. It looks a lot closer to full than it actually was, but what do you really expect from a $120 digital camera? I need to go back out on the 30th and get one of the REAL full moon...assuming there aren't clouds blocking my view Saturday night!

Day 25:
I was supposed to have an appointment with my Opthamologist today, but had to call and reschedule because I was feeling so badly. I ended up spending most of the day asleep. Stupid Raid! On the plus side, I'm seeing fewer and fewer gnats around here! As for the pic, I just happened to have an extra lying around (in my hard drive) that I took on June 3rd. Don't ask me why I remember the date, I just do. Ain't the bluebonnets (which look purple) pretty?

Day 26:
Just for you, Cassi! I know, I know...It's about time, right? As you can see I haven't gotten very much further than I was the last time I posted a pic of my scarf...only about 52 more rows, but nevertheless...it IS longer! In addition to a whole mess of knitting, (yes - 52 rows is "a whole mess" to me) I also watched The Ringer - which turned out to be significantly better than I expected. Which is convenient since I bought it without having seen it. Yeah, I'm an idiot. I don't even particularly like Johnny Knoxville...oh, well. Despite my immense stupidity, it still ended up being a pretty decent movie imho. Yay! Also, I'm feeling quite a bit better today. Although there seems to have been a new insurgence of gnats - GAH! For some reason they keep flying at my face. Brian mentioned that they must know that it's safer there since I don't really want to spray my own face with Raid, or even smack it for that matter. I refuse to believe that gnats figured that out. Primarily because that would make the gnats more intelligent than the people ruling our country and that's just plain ol' scary. Then again, I wouldn't dispute a gnat prossibly* having a higher IQ than Dubya...

(*Prossibly - adv. Of uncertain, but probable liklihood)
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