Sunday, June 3, 2007

Day 1, Day 2 and Day 3

Day 1:

Yes, it's an amatuer picture at best. But what did you expect, it's Only Day 1! hehehe I didn't do too much today so I just stopped outside my apartment complex where I noticed this flowering bush thing. I thought it was lovely and ought to be my first picture! Don't you agree?

Day 2:

This morning, Andrea and I went to the Zilker Park Botanical Gardens in Austin. I was really excited about the Butterfly Garden!!! Unfortunately, I didn't get any pictures of butterflies since they were too fast and very flighty (no pun intended). I did, however get pictures of lots of flowers and some nifty ones of Andrea and myself! In any case, I love how those little "chairs" are designed to make you look as if you are a butterfly yourself! I really like this picture except for the fact that the lighting is too bright and I am apparently the rare Cow Monarch. (i.e. I'm a fatass) Andrea's came out quite a bit better, but since this is my Photo-A-Day journal I figured I'd include mine as today's photo. To check out Andrea's "I'm a butterfly!" photo and all the others I took yesterday, click here!

Day 3:

Today, I mostly rested. After all the excitement with Andrea in Austin yesterday, I think I needed it! I have some big plans tomorrow too...Brynna's having a baby!!! So, I figured today was as good a day as I was going to get to sleep in 'til 1:30 pm and lounge all day after that! Around 4:30, I met Dad for what we referred to as "lunch" at McAlister's. I didn't feel like accosting him or anyone else with my digital camera and decided to take a scenic drive afterwards instead. So, as I was driving back behind the local Lion's Park I saw this sign(?) hanging in someone's front yard. I thought it was spiffy - and that is the story of how today's Picture of the Day (which I will furthermore refer to as the POD) came about! Ain't it neato? It says "OUTTA TOWN" in case you can't make it out...I'll see y'all next time! (and next time I'm bringing baby pictures!!!!!)

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