WooHoo! It's a balloon butterfly! Just what every girl needs, don't you agree? I 
got this little guy at lunch today. I had a pretty darn great day too! I slept until about 1 o'clock and then got up and made plans to go out for lunch with my dad. We went to Casa Ole and talked (mostly he talked cause he can't hear when I'm talking and interrupts/talks over me so I tend to just let him have the floor) It was a nice lunch though. We didn't discuss immigration, politics or childbirth so it was kind of refreshing. LOL We did discuss some boring shit, but at least it's recycling now. I was getting really tired of hearing about how horrifying my birth was and all about how sure dad is that "the doctor tore (my) right corotid artery when he pulled (my) head off". The first time my dad said this, I replied that he certainly did a good job of reattaching it, but my dad didn't get the joke and just thought I was stupid so he launched into a rant about my occluded artery since I had obviously forgotten all about it. Sometimes, talking to him is maddening...actually it's maddening MOST of the time, but it's not his fault he can't hear me. I know he's very self conscious about it, so I try not to say anything. Wow, I just went WAY off topic there! Anyway, back to the story of my POD...
So, we were finishing up our meals when I noticed this clown making balloon animals for virtually everyone in the restaraunt. I initially thought it was funny that a clown was there and that it probably looked like I was with him - what with the bright red hair and all...when he got around to our table, he explained that he was part of a group who raised money for children in Mexico and asked if we'd like some balloon animals. Oh, and they were accepting donations, by the way. *SMILE* Dad, of course couldn't hear him too well and made a couple of jokes. It kind of came across as though dad was flirting with the clown - who had flowers painted on one cheek and a strawberrry on his nose. He was really gussied up, let me tell ya'. Anyway, so the balloon dude offered to make me something and I requested a butterfly. He asked if I wanted a red one to go with my hair, but I told him that my favorite color was actually pink. He seemed mildly perplexed, but made me a cute pink butterfly. YAY! I mentioned that it was cute and the clown said "Well, you know, cute clowns make the cutest butterflies!" I just smiled real pretty-like at him and went back to admiring my butterfly, who was now guarding my take home box.
*insert slightly awkward silence here*
Then he offered to make dad a sword - to defend himself. Isn't make-believe fun? Hahaha So, dad got a sword and I got a butterfly and everyone was happy. Oh and the clown got a $5 "donation". He also gave us a card for his group/circus troup/whatever. Apparently they do parties including face painting and balloon animals for only $50 an hour. Such a deal!! *note the sarcasm* So, there's the story of my cute balloon butterfly made by the evidently cute clown. It's hard to tell for sure through all that face paint, so I guess I'll have to take his word for it.
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