
Wow...it's been a week already? Time flies when you're busy running around, having fun and taking pictures all day! Cool...Anyway, today's picture is of my hair! That was hard to figure out huh? I went over to Killeen today and Marilyn at Accomodating Cuts hooked me up with some BRIGHT ASS FIRE ENGINE RED highlights. I totally love them! Which is good since I spent 3 hours and $95 (including tip) on them. Also, they're 'permanent' so it's really convenient that I like them so much. Anywho, what do y'all think?
In other news, I did go and visit Bryn and Alan in the hospital again today. She got discharged pretty soon after I got there. I'm a good luck charm like that. hehehe I also followed them home because I'm a stalker and I wanted to take more pictures. (Yes, I did get a pic of his toes for you Andrea...they're so tiny and cuuuuuute!) and I got to hold him for about 30 minutes. Yay!!! He's just precious and if he starts fussing, just touching him helps settle him down. Talk about an easy-going baby! I just stroked his cheek or petted his little noggin and he went back into peaceful sleepy mode. And when Bryn and Shea unswaddled him to put him in his carseat, he didn't even cry! Back at their house, the animals (2 large dogs and 3 cats) were all very curious but behaved nicely around him. The only one that was a bit of an issue was Koku (their hyper-hyper doggie) who wanted to know what that little pink thing was. The cats were significantly more interested in the carseat than in Alan. hahaha They kept trying to climb inside of it while Brynna was feeding Alan and I had to get up and shoo them away. Crazy kitties! I can't wait to go see him again. Here's the pic with the baby toes for you, Andrea! Ain't they cuuuuuute?! 

I swear to god I squeeled out loud at the totally awesomeness of the hair! LOVE!
Oh, and baby toes are cute too.
hehehehehe..I'm glad you like it! Marilyn so totally ROCKS! I've gotten somewhat mixed reactions about it. Amazingly enough, among the least enthused were Bryn and Shea. Alan didn't care as long as I held him all cozy like and didn't move and all the parents (Bryn's mom and dad and my parents) were really taken with it! Interesting turn of events there imho
Little Alan is SOOO cute! I usually think that white babies are a little weird looking but Adrian and Alan were both precious! I might be just a teensy bit biased though....
The hair is AWESOME and adorable! I love it!
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