
Day 15:
(6/15/2007)Friday, I chose to stay home and chill so I would *hopefully* be able to go out sometime this weekend (unfortunately I didn't have much luck) My dad called and asked if I wanted him to stop by and bring me some lunch. Of course, since I'm a lazy ass and this would help me avoid preparing something, I said SURE! When he arrived the first thing he said to me was "Your knocker's bigger than hers!!" At first I was like WTH and thought my neighbor (who's a good 20 years older than me) was standing outside and dad was comparing our boobs. (creepy much?!) Then when I looked confused he said "Don't you remember Young Frankenstein?" I laughed and said "No, I haven't ever seen it!" so he explained to me about how some guy told a girl she had big knockers referring to the door knockers at her home. Anyway, later that day I was curious, having thought that all the apartments had the same door knockers. Obviously I was incorrect and INDEED - my knocker IS bigger than hers! I wonder if there's such a thing as door knocker envy...
Day 16:
(6/16/2007)I believe it was on Friday that Cassi asked me to take new pix of my HP scarf. Unfortunately, it's not much further along than it was in the last pictures. I think I only did one or MAYBE 2 more sets of stripes (I'm working on another set now. On the plus side, I'm now more than halfway done. Yeah, I knit slowly. I guess you could call it retarded knitting. Hahaha Anyway, since I'm not ready to photograph it at this time, I thought I'd post a different photo of yarny goodness...MY YARN STASH!!! I know it's small, but hey, I could BARELY get all that alpaca, wool and cotton stuffed into my box! I think it's a really appropriate box for the storage of yarn, don't you? As you can see, I have some needles shoved in there as well, and I propped up my No Sheep For You book just for you, Cassi! I promise, I'll post those scarf pics soon!!!
Yarn! I see yarn! Now you need a stash guardian, I have a giant stuffed sheep from Target. Bet you're jealous.
I'm turning green as I type! EEEK!
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