Wednesday, September 5, 2007
September 5, 2007
Thursday, June 28, 2007
Day 27 & Day 28

Okay, I think that was sufficiently frightening...I also took another pic of my scarf (what? Can there really ever be too many knitting pictures? I mean seriously...) The new pic shows the colors a little better. It kind of comes off looking like a McDonald's scarf , but I assure you it is intended to be a Gryffindor scarf! You might recognize the book from and old BSKG/Fiborg blog I posted. It's In the Wake of the Night by Joseph McGee. It's pretty good as far as predictable horror novels go although the editing is non-existant. There are more typos and incorrect spelling/grammar in this book than there are typos in my messages! I know that sounds harsh but I swear to you, it's the truth! Oh, and for those of you who don't know what the Hell BSKG/Fiborg is, it's my knitting blog (the Big, Sexy Knitter's Guild/Fiborg).
Day 29:
(6/29/2007)LOOK! DUCKIES!!! For some deranged reason, I thought it'd be nifty to take a picture of my shower curtain. Then I thought it'd be even niftier to take a pic of me hiding behind my shower curtain - after having showered - with REALLY bad lighting! OMG NIFTY!!! Cause you know, me taking a shower is a really special event or something. Anywho, this is as close to a naked picture of me as anyone's ever going to get, so I figured What the Hell...I might as well post it online! That's what you're SUPPOSED to do with nakey pics right?
Tuesday, June 26, 2007
Day 18 through Day 26

Monday, June 18, 2007

Hi everyone (all 3 of you LOL) and Happy Father's Day!!! Naturally, in honor of Father's Day, I took a picture of my Daddy! I went out with dad for lunch today at Casa Ole (where else?) and gave him his card, which he couldn't read because he forgot to bring his glasses. hehehe Silly daddy! I would've taken a picture of the card, but I didn't think to until after I gave it to him. Seemed like a stupid idea to ask for it back...After lunch, we went back to my parent's house and watched Deja Vu and Stranger Than Fiction; both of which were good. The later was definately not a typical Will Ferrell movie, but I still liked it (possibly because I have and unhealthy obsession with the man) You might like it, Andrea. It has Maggie Gyllenhall in it - YAY SECRETARY!!! Of course, my favorite is sitll Anchorman. Turns out that dad doesn't like Steve Carell though. How weird is THAT?! Oh well, I still love you daddy!!!

^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^My favorite picture of Dad^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
Day 14, Day 15 & Day 16

Day 15:
(6/15/2007)Friday, I chose to stay home and chill so I would *hopefully* be able to go out sometime this weekend (unfortunately I didn't have much luck) My dad called and asked if I wanted him to stop by and bring me some lunch. Of course, since I'm a lazy ass and this would help me avoid preparing something, I said SURE! When he arrived the first thing he said to me was "Your knocker's bigger than hers!!" At first I was like WTH and thought my neighbor (who's a good 20 years older than me) was standing outside and dad was comparing our boobs. (creepy much?!) Then when I looked confused he said "Don't you remember Young Frankenstein?" I laughed and said "No, I haven't ever seen it!" so he explained to me about how some guy told a girl she had big knockers referring to the door knockers at her home. Anyway, later that day I was curious, having thought that all the apartments had the same door knockers. Obviously I was incorrect and INDEED - my knocker IS bigger than hers! I wonder if there's such a thing as door knocker envy...
Day 16:
(6/16/2007)I believe it was on Friday that Cassi asked me to take new pix of my HP scarf. Unfortunately, it's not much further along than it was in the last pictures. I think I only did one or MAYBE 2 more sets of stripes (I'm working on another set now. On the plus side, I'm now more than halfway done. Yeah, I knit slowly. I guess you could call it retarded knitting. Hahaha Anyway, since I'm not ready to photograph it at this time, I thought I'd post a different photo of yarny goodness...MY YARN STASH!!! I know it's small, but hey, I could BARELY get all that alpaca, wool and cotton stuffed into my box! I think it's a really appropriate box for the storage of yarn, don't you? As you can see, I have some needles shoved in there as well, and I propped up my No Sheep For You book just for you, Cassi! I promise, I'll post those scarf pics soon!!!
Thursday, June 14, 2007
Day 13

Wednesday, June 13, 2007
Day 10, Day 11 & Day 12
Didn't do much today except watch Hannibal Rising with my parents. I forgot to take my camera so I'm using this pic I found online. It's funny that in this pic he has brown eyes, since the kid in the movie has beautiful blue eyes. Maybe it's supposed to signify blood, of which there is a lot in this movie. It definately helps you understand why Hannibal is the way he is. I personally have never disliked Hannibal, which I know is weird, but there you have it
Day 11:
(6/11/2007) I didn't go out at all today since I wasn't feeling well. I actually spent the majority of the day asleep. My dad dropped by to bring me something to eat in the late afternoon and told me that he learned his job was being cut as of October. He wasn't too happy about that. Anyway, the reason there's a big picture of a notebook that reads "Friends" for today is I spent my only productive time today putting photos into the pages of that notebook. Yes, it's actually a photo album. hehehe
Day 12:
(6/12/2007) I've been suffering from allergy-related sinus issues and therefore feeling like crap all week.
Today, I spent the day in bed again until about 3. That was when my mom got me out of the bed/apartment by tempting me with Blood Diamond. It was a disturbingly enlightening movie. I seriously doubt I'll ever buy a diamond. I would say "again" but seeing as how I've never purchased one in the past that would just be dumb. I can definately see what you were talking about, Andrea, when you said diamonds have bad juju. In any case, I can't say it was one of my favorite movies, but I'm glad I watched it.